A top-down view of Mcway Falls, with a pristine turquouse blue beach lagoon, surrounded on all sides by rocky cliffs.

Notion Slides

A google chrome extension that allows users to navigate notion databases in a slide show

bookmark: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/KN32lVeTnqM2ivvzMPPcLZ722iwNBaccwdNYDAKlySoePgoZEUGBLzB8SoXOsu_Ll8wV8Lvu5w=w640-h400-e365-rj-sc0x00ffffff

Notion slides is a google chrome extension that allows users to navigate notion databases in a slide show!

My friend, Michael, and I came up with it cuz we thought making slide shows is still too complex. We wanted a way to combine Notion's intuitive and beautiful interface with slide show capabilities.

We ended up with something that works but could certainly use a lot of polishing. Problems with it are that I'd like to prefetch all the pages in a database so going between slides is easier. I also want to have some user preferences like the option to hide page properties or have pages take up full width.